Monday, September 24, 2007

Daddy Came to school today

Today I took my daddy to school.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bowling with Daddy

Thank You SPC

My whole school made a thank you card for my daddy. Here I am showing my daddy the card.

Daddy's Home

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hiding under a rock

OK, let me start off by saying I do not drink alcohol. I don't like the taste, plain and simple. I just don't like it; beer, wine, mixed drinks, hard liquor, don't like the taste. It isn't good for my Crohn's disease either, so it is a good thing I don't drink. That being said I have to share a story.
Last night Blaine had soccer practice. At 7pm I mentioned to Blaine that soccer practice was over, and it was time to go home. Blaine says (none too quietly) "Soccer is over? Now you can go home and have a beers". "Blaine" I shriek, "Mommy doesn't drink beer" (now all of the parents are looking at me), to which Blaine replies "Yes you do mommy, I saw you drinking beers" Where on earth did he get this I don't know. I have not even looked at a beer since he has been born, much less drank one in his presence. Now I am sure all the parents think I am some kind of closet alcoholic. I was so embarrassed. Sometimes I wonder why we paid all of that money for speech therapy when he was 2 and 3 years old and wasn't talking yet. (hehe)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Go Viper Fish!

Blaine had his first soccer game this weekend (he was actually sick for the actual first game which was last Sunday). It was a very interesting game. All of the kids are under the age of 6, so no one keeps score. The idea is to have the kids learn the skills and the rules of the game. These pictures are of Blaine's team, the Viper Fish, practicing before the match. By the way, Blaine is #4.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Four, Five, and Six and the other Six

OK, shortly after Joe left for military training, and Blaine was done with summer camp and swimming lessons, he started to get a little bored, and one day started talking about Four, Five and Six and the Other Six. At first I thought it was just a passing thing and he would forget about it once he stareted school and his days were "full" once again. What or who are Four, Five, and Six, and the Other Six you might ask? Well, they are Blaine's elaboratly imagined imaginary friends, and boy have they made life interesting around here and at school.
I don't even know where to start or which stories to jot down because they are all kind of funny.
One time, I had given Blaine a Star Wars Light Saber (which he insists is called a life saver)because he enjoyed playing with his friend Santino's one so much. Blaine decided that night that he wanted to sleep with it. I told him he could sleep with it, but if I heard him turn it on, I was going to have to take it away from him and give it back to him in the morning. A few minutes later I hear "oooh, I'm telling mommy. Mommy, Four, Five and Six (sometimes he leaves out the Other Six, I guess he goes home at night to his mommy)turned the life saver on" I went into his room and told him that I was going to have to take it away and he could have it back in the morning because it was time to go to sleep. Do you know that child cried and pleeded with me saying that it wasn't his fault, that Four, Five and Six had done it to get him into trouble!
Another time I heard him on the floor in his room yelling for me to go and pick him up because Four, Five and Six and the Other Six had pushed him down.
They also have races and play games which Blaine always wins.
This is kind of gross, but in the morning Joe and Blaine always used to have a race to see who could pee the fastest, well now that Joe is gone, Blaine "Pee races" with Four, Five and Six, and the Other Six.
Oh, and just this Friday, when Blaine's grandmother picked him up from school, she asked him if he had a good day at school, and he replied "No, Four, Five and Six made me do things that got me in trouble today"
I could go on and on about Four, Five and Six and the Other Six, and I am sure I will have lots more to add about them in the future, because it looks like they are here to stay.

Princess Blaine

OK, now I know he is going to kill me when he is older for posting this, but I couldn't pass this up. He insisted I take his picture wearing this Tinkerbell flower tiara. Excuse his face, he still gets food all over him when he eats, and I was just about to put him in the bathtub when he came up to me wearing this. I bet his daddy is trying to get on a plane right now to come home and reclaim his son. Having fun in Iraq yet, honey?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Will you marry me mommy?

OK, Blaine says so many cute and adorable things that I am going to start to write them all here so that I can keep them forever. Yesterday Blaine and I were playing in the office and talking to Maw Maw on the phone when Blaine asked me, "Mommy, will you marry me" I said, "Blaine, I am already married to daddy, but thank you for asking" and he said "then who am I going to marry?" I told him he was a little young, and he didn't need to worry about getting married right now. I told him that before he got married he had to finish school and get a job. Blaine said, "I am going to work at McDonalds when I grow up, will you buy me a wallet to keep all of my money?"
Those that know Blaine know that he doesn't drop a subject that easily. All day he worried about who he would marry when he grew up. Last night, I took him to McDonalds for a Happy Meal because he has been sick and has not been eating a lot, and I knew he would eat a chicken nugget Happy Meal no matter how sick he was. Blaine asks me, "Mommy, ask that McDonald's worker how much money they make. I am going to have to make a lot of money if I am going to get married." That's my boy!