Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hiding under a rock

OK, let me start off by saying I do not drink alcohol. I don't like the taste, plain and simple. I just don't like it; beer, wine, mixed drinks, hard liquor, don't like the taste. It isn't good for my Crohn's disease either, so it is a good thing I don't drink. That being said I have to share a story.
Last night Blaine had soccer practice. At 7pm I mentioned to Blaine that soccer practice was over, and it was time to go home. Blaine says (none too quietly) "Soccer is over? Now you can go home and have a beers". "Blaine" I shriek, "Mommy doesn't drink beer" (now all of the parents are looking at me), to which Blaine replies "Yes you do mommy, I saw you drinking beers" Where on earth did he get this I don't know. I have not even looked at a beer since he has been born, much less drank one in his presence. Now I am sure all the parents think I am some kind of closet alcoholic. I was so embarrassed. Sometimes I wonder why we paid all of that money for speech therapy when he was 2 and 3 years old and wasn't talking yet. (hehe)

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